If you're considering exiting your business now or in the near future, you may have questions such as...
When is the right time to exit and where do I start?How much is my business worth?To be satisfied, how much money do I need to yield from my business?What do I need to prepare to sell my business successfully and achieve my goals?...and more.
"EXIT SMART Vol. 3" is an interview-style compilation of conversations with the Nation's leading Exit Planning Advisors. Meet these experts and hear their insights while they shed light on what a proper Exit Plan should consist of. In these interviews, our panel of experts also bust common myths and misconceptions, thus eliminating fears commonly associated with exiting a business today.
Kiley Peters
David Lupberger
H.B. Pasley
Vinil Ramchandran
Will Stafford
Tom Poltersdorf Jr.
Mike Sedlak
Jayne McQuillan
Joy Randels
Linda Ruffenach