"Existentialism with a Side of Fries" serves up a delectable blend of deep philosophical musings and whimsical humor. In this unique collection, the poet navigates the complexities of existence, identity, and purpose, all while relishing the simple pleasures of life-like a crispy side of fries. Through vivid imagery and clever wordplay, each poem invites readers to ponder profound questions about the human experience, from the mundane to the miraculous. With a voice that is both relatable and introspective, this book encourages a light-hearted yet thought-provoking exploration of what it means to truly live. Grab your favorite snack and dive into a world where heavyweight themes are served with a side of laughter, reminding us that even the heaviest thoughts can be digested with a sprinkle of joy. A feast for the mind and the heart, this collection is an essential read for anyone seeking to find meaning with a smile.