Water witch Mariamne Niege cannot believe how much her world and that of her two best friends Theo Morgan and Elise Nicholson have changed since the Circle of Light sent Watchers Hansen and Dante crashing into their lives (see DARK WATCHER). However, she knows there is no going back for any of the trio although she dreams of her idyllic mousy academic days; but they have become Guardians in a war with the evil Dark. Her...
Lilith Saintcrow's enthralling series continues with STORM WATCHER. Mariamne Niege became a Guardian in DARK WATCHER and Hanson was the Watcher assigned to protect her from the Dark. Now, Mari is having visions that terrify her as she Sees Hanson killing Theo, her best friend (who is also a Guardian). Meanwhile, Mari's roommates don't like Hanson's presence in her life and a gargoyle named Rossini sends her to the Library...
This is the sequel to DARK WATCHER, it is even better. Mari is the water witch in the Guardians, Theo is the Guardian Healer, and Elise is the Fire Guardian. Hanson is Mari's Watcher, a watcher is a protecter for the Light-bringers. aka the witches. Mari is shy, retiring, and has let men run over her in all her relationships. She has very little self confidence and none at all where men are concerned. Hanson has finally...
I have to say that this is one of the best series I am reading. Hanson is a troubled character. He is a Watcher that lost his last assignment. Astrid was the last witch that he had to guard and in protecting her he scared her and he lost her to the Darkness that threatens all Lightbringers. Lightbringers is what the Circle Lightfall calls witches, by the way. So when we meet Hanson we understand that he is shaken up and a...
Title: Storm Watcher Author: Lilith Saintcrow Publisher: ImaJinn Books ISBN: 1933417005 Genre: Fantasy Second in an exciting and marvelously cast series of tales involving magic, the dark that seeks to kill three lovely young witches known as Lightbringers, Storm Watcher pits Watcher Hanson against those who would destroy Mari, the water witch, his witch. An edge-of-the-seat read which I find unusual in fantasy. ...