The Fifth Edition of Examples& Explanations: Remedies provides a bridge between law school and the real world.
A favorite classroom prep tool of successful students that is often recommended by professors, the Examples& Explanations (E&E) series provides an alternative perspective to help you understand your casebook and in-class lectures. Each E&E offers hypothetical questions complemented by detailed explanations that allow you to test your knowledge of the topics in your courses and compare your own analysis. New to the Fifth Edition: Integration of recent Restatement Third, Torts: Remedies sections on compensatory damages and injunctions New critiques of the theory of efficient breach in contract Incorporation of recent Supreme Court authority on contempt, including the mental state required for civil contempt proceedings New analysis of the ability to obtain punitive damages for suits in equity and restitution Consideration of new Supreme Court statements about ripeness standards for declaratory judgments Discussion of garnishment orders regarding new methods of payment, such as Venmo or Paypal
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