The title, "Ex Tenebris", translates from Latin into "Out of Darkness". This refers to the verse in John 1:5, whereby it states, "lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt". This translates to "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it" (or in alternate versions, "did not understand it" or "did not apprehend it" or "did not overcome it"). This speaks to those struggling with addiction whose incipient appreciation for their condition is often skewed by the darkness of their denial. The truth may only come to light once there is room for it. Frequently, this requires a great deal of pain to bring the sufferer into a state of openness, willingness, honesty, and humility. Many have been able to free themselves from mental turmoil, and this book is intended to help others do just that.