This book is an easy read more for the visual learner. Has lots of images and great language, this is not for anyone under the age of thirteen and is a written well.
The book is in perfect condition just as described. New book at used price. What a deal! Highly recommend.
This is the most recent edition of a very useful book for students and teachers of paleontology and geology.
I used the first edition of this book by Dott and Batten as an earth science major back in the early 70's, and thought it excellent. I don't know how the new edition stacks up, but the original book was as fine a piece of writing for a textbook as I had ever come across, and geology boasts better than average writers for such things. For example, there is the redoubtable Arthur Beiser, whose many books maintain both a high...
Overall a good introduction to historical geology. Most subjects are presented in an appropriate manner, with colorful illustrations to supplement the concepts discussed. Only concerning the formation of dolomite rocks does this book fall short of maintaining a thourough examination of historical geology concepts. The only disadvantage that this book has is its price, which is probably due to the amount of illustrations...