I present to your attention my new series:
Everyday crosswords for adults. Light puzzles with solutions for energizing your brain.
I've always enjoyed doing easy crossword puzzles and that's why I created a series of just such unobtrusive puzzles.
Plus, of course, I've added solutions that will help you find the solution faster, the format is easy to read and on the next page, but try not to pry at first.
I believe that the mind, like the muscle, requires constant training, which will help my everyday crosswords.
This handy crossword puzzle offers:
- 100 simple crosswords to tone and actively train your mind
- Hours of exciting tasks
- Easy crosswords
- Solutions for each puzzle
If you want to reboot and relax, take a crossword puzzle and solve breakfast, evening entertainment,
lunch or just a coffee break at the office, especially suitable for spending time on the train or plane.
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