Inspired by the incredible events surrounding an attempt to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain, Everest documents the awe-inspiring journey of two different expeditions challenged beyond their limits by one of the fiercest snowstorms ever encountered by mankind. Their mettle tested by the harshest elements found on the planet, the climbers will face nearly impossible obstacles as a lifelong obsession becomes a breathtaking struggle for...
About six years ago, my family spent our Friday nights watching the entire series of Little House on the Prairie. My intent was not just to share with them a little bit of my childhood but to show them a different way of living. These past few weeks have certainly been challenging with COVID-19 affecting us professionally, socially, and personally, but this gift of time, and of togetherness, has given us a taste of what life may have been like back in Walnut Grove and brought back these wonderful memories. My hope for all of us is to embrace the notable moments today as they will become our enduring memories tomorrow.