A profoundly beautiful and uniquely insightful description of the universe, Benedict de Spinoza's Ethics is one of the masterpieces of Enlightenment-era philosophy. Published shortly after his death, the Ethics is undoubtedly Spinoza's greatest work - an elegant, fully cohesive...
A profoundly beautiful and uniquely insightful description of the universe, Benedict de Spinoza's Ethics is one of the masterpieces of Enlightenment-era philosophy. Published shortly after his death, the Ethics is undoubtedly Spinoza's greatest work...
Publicada p?stumamente en 1677, la "?tica", obra compuesta como un conjunto de Definiciones, Axiomas, Postulados, Leyes, Proposiciones y Escolios al modo geom?trico, ha sido interpretada por la posteridad, pese a esta supuesta objetividad, de manera multiforme, habiendo despertado,...
Sum rgete en las profundas ideas de Baruch Spinoza con " TICA", una piedra angular de la filosof a de la Ilustraci n. Esta edici n en espa ol presenta la magistral exploraci n de la tica, la metaf sica y el racionalismo de Spinoza, meticulosamente demostrada a trav...
Baruch Spinoza's renowned work, the Ethics ( Ethica, ordine geometrico demonstrata ), stands as a monumental achievement in Western philosophy. Written between 1661 and 1675 and first published posthumously, Spinoza's Ethics outlines his groundbreaking theories concerning the...
Sum rgete en las profundas ideas de Baruch Spinoza con " TICA", una piedra angular de la filosof a de la Ilustraci n. Esta edici n en espa ol presenta la magistral exploraci n de la tica, la metaf sica y el racionalismo de Spinoza, meticulosamente demostrada a trav...
"Ethics" is the most famous work of Benedict de Spinoza, who is considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. Spinoza was born of Jewish and Portuguese ancestry in 1632 and lived a simple life in Amsterdam as an optical lens grinder. His greatest fame...
The Ethics: Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata by Benedict de Spinoza and translated from the Latin by R. H. M. Elwes. Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order (Latin: Ethica, ordine geometrico demonstrata), usually known as the Ethics, is a philosophical treatise written...
Translated by W.H.White and A.K.Stirling. With an Introduction by Don Garrett. Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after his death...
The seventeenth century Dutch philosopher views the ability to experience rational love of God as the key to mastering the contradictory and violent human emotions.
An authoritative edition of George Eliot's elegant translation of Spinoza's greatest philosophical work
ÉTICA: DEMOSTRADA SEGÚN EL ORDEN GEOMÉTRICO Con un enfoque riguroso y un estilo inspirado en la geometría euclidiana, Spinoza construye un sistema filosófico donde todo, incluyendo la moralidad, se deduce a partir de axiomas y definiciones. Explora la relación entre Dios, el...
An authoritative edition of George Eliot's elegant translation of Spinoza's greatest philosophical work
The Oxford Philosophical Texts series consists of truly practical and accessible guides to major philosophical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world up to modern times. Each book opens with a comprehensive introduction by a leading specialist which covers...
The classic masterwork of Benedict de Spinoza, through which he attempts to construct a metaphysical and ethical system using the geometric methods of Euclid. Spinoza begins with definitions and axioms and proceeds to reach numerous conclusions. A tremendously influential work,...
Baruch Spinoza (born Benedito de Espinosa, later Benedict de Spinoza; 24 November 1632 - 21 February 1677) was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardi origin. One of the early thinkers of the Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the...
What does it mean to live an ethical life? For seventeenth-century philosopher Benedict de Spinoza, this question led to a doctrine in which God is present in all things and the human mind is part of God's infinite intellect. Spinoza regarded ethics as a rational system corresponding...