The famed American Civil War general Robert E. Lee offers lessons on effective leadership in Mike Lipsey's Ethical Leadership of Robert E. Lee. In General Lee's "diary" the reader is treated to a firsthand glimpse of his views on morals, responsibility, and leadership. Each "entry" is a concise essay that offers advice on topics such as courage, obedience, and honor. Never mentioned by name, the reader must infer Lee's identity from the hints and clues included in the essays. Lipsey paints a multifaceted picture of Lee as a man attempting to do what is best for himself, his country, and his men. Drawing on Lee's experiences and writings, both before and after the Civil War, Ethical Leadership of Robert E. Lee offers sound advice. Much of Lee's charisma and leadership ability came from his sense of ethics and strong morals. Lee believed that one should lead an honorable life and always attempt to do what is right. His ideas are still applicable to today's business world, and those who wish to be truly effective leaders would do well to follow Lee 1/2s
advice. Written in a diary format, the essays take on a reflective tone as the writer meditates upon the day's events. While Ethical Leadership of Robert E. Lee is a fictionalized diary, the tone and style are consistent with Lee's actions and writings, creating the illusion of peeking over Lee 1/2s shoulder as he records his thoughts.