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Celtic Earth-Based Religions Inspirational Occult Religion Religion & Spirituality SpiritualityI can sympathize with the reviewer who found this book to be "vague, wordy, ambiguous, contradictory, and or no practical help." If you turn to John O'Donohue for a practicum on Celtic spirituality you will be similarly confounded. All of O'Donohue's books are image-intensive lyrics for the songs of our souls. They are not meant to be discursive or systematic, nor are they in any way beholden to canons of Anglo-Saxon verb-driven...
I could go on for a long time about the book. Let me just say that in singing its way into my brain, heart and soul with the beauty and resonance of its words, it also challenges me in more ways than can be written down, or should be written down. If you buy it -- you must -- get ready for a real ride of a lifetime.
Mr. O'Donohue, in his masterful book - Eternal Echoes, takes you on an exquisitely organized, vastly scenic, interpretive journey through the corridors of the human soul. His profound knowledge and sensitivities in the realm of the human condition are astounding; and the language, with which he chooses to impart these insights to the reader, is equally fantastic. With lyric like imagery, he weaves words that touch the senses...
A month ago I moved into my first home. As I made packing arrangements I had to decide which books I wanted to leave unpacked and keep near my side as I went through the transition. I chose one book I had read "Anam Cara" and one title I had yet to read "Eternal Echoes: Exploring Our Yearning to Belong."O'Donohue's "Anam Cara" had already brought me tremendous joy and peace, yet a bit of a wake-up call, too. It felt like...
John O' Donohue writes this very spiritual book with a simplicity that is hard to match. It touched deep into my soul on subjects such as friendship and relationships, prayer and the planet that we think is so modern and civilized. In my perspective, the ideas he wrote in the book were already known to me and did not have a sense of wonder anymore; little did I know that I had not considered other aspects and perspectives...