Estimating Your Money Gap is designed to help people who are saving for retirement collect the information that enables your financial advisor to estimate the likelihood that you will achieve your retirement dream in your desired time frame.
Estimating Your Money Gap summarizes your income, expenses, and net worth so you and your financial advisor can better understand your current money situation. It also helps you identify future changes to your income and expenses in two additional years of your choosing.
The process outlined in Estimating Your Money Gap has three main steps -
- Current financial situation - income, expenses, net worth
- Changes you expect to your income and expenses in the next 5-10 years
- Estimating the likelihood of adequately financing your retirement
Estimating Your Money Gap will help you complete the first two steps so your advisor can better complete the third step. The better detail you provide for your own specific finances, the better your advisor can tailor his/her projections to your situation.