Esther Wynne is a novel written by Emma Jane Worboise and originally published in 1885. The story follows the life of Esther Wynne, a young woman who is forced to leave her comfortable life in London and move to the countryside after the death of her father. Esther must learn...
Esther Wynne is a novel written by Emma Jane Worboise in 1885. The book follows the life of Esther Wynne, a young woman who is left orphaned and penniless after her parents die. Esther is forced to find work in order to survive, and she takes a job as a governess in a wealthy...
Esther Wynne is a novel written by Emma Jane Worboise in 1885. The story is set in the Victorian era and follows the life of Esther Wynne, a young woman who is forced to leave her comfortable life in London to live in a small village in Yorkshire after her father's death. Esther...