A Jesus-loving woman, at her core, desires to please God, walk close to Him, love her people well, and serve her family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors with care. She longs, deep down and often in a hidden place, to live a life that matters and feels fulfilling.
These desires sometimes come from a place of wanting to obey Jesus no matter what. But other times, the cost of doing the uncomfortable just seems too much.
Authors and speakers Amy Carroll and Lynn Cowell unpack the story behind the book of Esther and what it means to be a woman who moves into the uncomfortable as her act of obedience to God in this six-section InScribed Bible study. If you are growing uneasy with your current, comfortable life you find yourself in; if you feel God calling to you more than observation of the world around you, this study will:
encourage the wisdom and practice to listen before doingdiminish your fear of doing it wrongreplace your concern of being misunderstood with a passion for obeying Godembolden you to action in the unique calling God has for you