Kain. Immortal. Kin-Slayer. Marked and Cursed to Wander the Earth Forever. In the tradition of Conan and Thongor. This is an Epic Tale of Sword and Sorcery. Belzar a very powerful and evil sorcerer makes a deal with the Devil and seals it in blood giving him a spell to send Kain into Hell The sorcerer also sends Eve a very beautiful blonde to Hell too because she won't have anything to do with him. Kain rescues Eve out of the grasp of three demons and they try to find a way out of Hell. A long-dead wizard named Saxgerb aids them in their quest. They travel through many dangerous parts of Hell and when they finally near the end of their quest Dargoth the mightiest warrior in Hell is waiting for them This Tale has action, blood, humor, and a few surprises along the way Enjoy