Relato de la amistad entre una ni a y un zorrito de feria ambulante. Las compa eras de colegio de la ni a le advierten del peligro: es un zorro Taimado y ladino, como lo retratan en los cuentos, c mo ser a amigo de una ni ita? A ella no le importa: el zorro es bueno y hasta le ha tra do regalos. Pero, ay, de d nde los sac , si s lo anda en la feria? La peque a ir a devolverlos, s lo para enterarse de que su amigo los compr con su dinero, porque l trabaja en la feria.
This story invites us to reflect on prejudices, including those that have been reproduced since the so-called high culture.
Story of the friendship between a girl and a traveling fair fox. The girl's schoolmates warn her of the danger: she's a fox Devious and cunning, as he is portrayed in the stories, how would he be friends with a little girl? She doesn't care: the fox is good and has even brought her gifts. But, alas, where did he get them, if he is only at the fair?