Filled with original Equestrian Art by accomplished sport-horse artist, Ellen Sallas, this coloring book is for horse-and-art-loving children as well as adults who simply enjoy everything about horses.
There's something about the horse in art - the soul of the equestrian goes into every painting.
We suggest removing the art you're working on with a X-acto blade or sharp scissor, and then use color pencils, crayons, or even markers, to make this art your own. If you use color pencil, the shadows will show through (as on the cover example) and give you a more finished look for framing and display.
It is time to purchase your copy and GO HAVE SOME FUNEllen has dozens of traditional ORIGINAL ART equestrian coloring books to choose from along with this special art-framing one. "Follow the Author" on Amazon to always see the new ones arrive. She is planning one for Spring entitled FLOWER POWER HORSES OF SPRING, as well as one for folks who ride unicorns and pegasuses... Yes, that's what she said