In Engaging the Silent Sufferer, Dr. Jerome Newton addresses the issues of shame, guilt, and disgrace that continually plague men and women who are suffering in silence. By its nature, abuse is a topic that is rarely discussed. Perpetrators remain silent because they recognize their acts could be deemed criminal, and victims remain silent because of many factors are addressed in this writing.
Dr. Newton discloses the pains and wounds of those affected by such abuse while simultaneously exposing the perpetrators who inflicted the pain. Many have kept the secret of abuse to prevent punishment and embarrassment to the family's reputation, while the real crime of the abuse scenario is that of silence. The stories disclosed in this book include various types of abuse; however, sexual and/or physical abuse and the difficult conversations surrounding the incidents became the catalysts for the book.
This book is designed to help give illumination and provide a vehicle of expression by:
- Sharing stories of abuse that encourage those who are still suffering in silence to come out and be heard, understanding that they no longer have to hide their private struggles behind their public success.
- Providing the necessary tools for those who are suffering in silence to regain freedom, rehabilitate their lives, and be empowered to live with strength, honor and dignity.
- Providing assistance through the resources available via clinical or pastoral counseling, as well as other professional venues.