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Proven Strategies and Solutions for Reducing Energy Consumption
Property and facility managers can turn to Energy-Efficient Building Systems as a one-stop guide to operating and maintaining commercial building systems at peak efficiency. Designed to help reduce energy costs and meet environmental standards, this state-of-the-art productivity tool contains fully illustrated, real-world examples of successful green building projects that have achieved significant, energy-saving results.
From energy management and auditing, HVAC systems, cooling towers, and pumping lighting, electrical systems, automation, and building envelope, this expert resource takes readers step by step through procedures for getting optimal performance from every building system. For each system, the book presents the latest methods for improving efficiency...identifying promising new solutions...evaluating their feasibility...and estimating actual savings. Comprehensive and authoritative, Energy-Efficient Building Systems enables building professionals to:
Get an in-depth understanding of the principles of each building systemSelect the most efficient systems for any nonresidential building Maximize energy efficiency with practical strategies and solutionsUtilize hands-on methods for evaluating feasibility and estimating savings Review real-world examples of successful green building projectsInside This Cost-Saving Energy Guide
- Energy Management and Energy Auditing - Air-Conditioning and Central Chiller Systems - Boilers and Heating Systems - Pumping Systems - Cooling Towers - Air Handling and Distribution Systems - Lighting Systems - Building Electrical Systems - Building Automation Systems - Building Envelope