In due course of evolution of human race and progress of mankind on this planet a stage has been reached when through rapid advances in science and technology, man has acquired the power to modify this environment to suit his own needs. As a consequence of his working in disharmony with the environment, diverse types of pollution have arisen, that afflict the environment. Pollution has become the greatest threat to the survival of life on the earth and humanity have to face today (Berkett et al., 2002; Heichlen, 1976). It creates an undesirable change in physical chemical and biological characteristics of air, water and land that may be harmful to human life and nature.
The global environment consists of the atmosphere, the hydrospher and the lithosphere in which the life sustaining resources of the earth are contained. The 'Biosphere', a thin shell the encapsulates the earth, is made up of the atmosphere and the lithosphere adjacent to the surface of the earth, together with the hydrosphere. It is within the biosphere that the life forms of the earth including human line. Life sustaining materials, in gaseous, liquid and solid fomes are eyeled through the biosphere, providing sustenance to all living beings. Any adverse effect or disturbance of the delicate balance of the biosphere caused by man's careless or excessive exploitation of natural resources can lead to the creation of unfavourable condition for the well being or even survival of mankind.