Initiate your own Christ-centered process of restoration and healing in 90 days with Encounter: Your Personal Guidebook to Inner Healing.
Throughout Encounter, Elizabeth Bowman shares her own struggles that kept her from a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus. She then offers simple daily exercises that will challenge you to look inward and go deeper with the scriptures as they relate to your real-life experiences. The ultimate goal: to help you discover your own path toward true inner healing through Christ.
Encounter: Your Personal Guidebook to Inner Healing will meet you where you are in a cluttered, confusing world and provide you with a framework for deepening your relationship with Jesus.
How would it feel to lean in to any discomfort you may have within your inner being, get "unstuck", and move toward a new freedom in Christ, experiencing the love and grace of the great I AM? By applying the principles and following the exercises in Encounter, you can!