A classic Disney animated fairy tale meets with the modern, live-action romantic comedy in Walt Disney Pictures ENCHANTED. Featuring an all-star cast, the film follows the beautiful princess Giselle (AMY ADAMS) as she is banished by an evil queen (SUSAN SARANDON) from her magical,...
A classic Disney animated fairy tale meets with the modern, live-action romantic comedy in Walt Disney Pictures ENCHANTED. Featuring an all-star cast, the film follows the beautiful princess Giselle (AMY ADAMS) as she is banished by an evil queen (SUSAN SARANDON) from her magical,...
A classic Disney animated fairy tale meets with the modern, live-action romantic comedy in Walt Disney Pictures ENCHANTED. Featuring an all-star cast, the film follows the beautiful princess Giselle (AMY ADAMS) as she is banished by an evil queen (SUSAN SARANDON) from her magical,...