""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V2"" is a biographical book written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. The book tells the story of Emily Donelson, the wife of Andrew Jackson's nephew and private secretary, Andrew Jackson Donelson. Emily was a prominent figure in Tennessee society during...
""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V2"" is a biographical novel written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. The book tells the story of Emily Donelson, the niece of President Andrew Jackson, who was born and raised in Tennessee in the early 19th century. Emily was a strong-willed and independent...
Emily Donelson of Tennessee V2 is a book written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. It is a biography of Emily Donelson, a prominent figure in Tennessee politics in the early 19th century. Donelson was the niece of President Andrew Jackson and served as his hostess in the White House...
""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V2"" is a historical fiction novel written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. The book is a sequel to the first volume and continues the story of Emily Donelson, a young woman from Tennessee who becomes involved in the political and social scene of Washington...