""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V1"" is a historical novel written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. The book is set in the early 19th century and follows the life of Emily Donelson, a young woman born into a prominent family in Tennessee. Emily is a strong-willed and independent woman...
""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V1"" is a book written by Pauline Wilcox Burke that tells the story of Emily Donelson, the niece of President Andrew Jackson. The book is set in the early 19th century and follows Emily's life as she navigates the political and social landscape of...
Emily Donelson of Tennessee is a historical fiction novel written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. It tells the story of Emily Donelson, a young woman from Tennessee who becomes involved in politics and the White House during the presidency of her uncle, Andrew Jackson.The novel begins...
""Emily Donelson of Tennessee V1"" is a biographical novel written by Pauline Wilcox Burke. The book tells the story of Emily Donelson, the niece of President Andrew Jackson, who played a significant role in his political career. Emily was born in Tennessee and grew up in a family...