Emerging organic contaminants and nanomaterials in food
Marinella Farr? and Dami? Barcel?
Pharmaceuticals in drinking water
Aleksandra Jelic, Mira Petrovic, and Dami? Barcel?
Sulfonamide antibiotics in natural and treated waters: environmental and human health risks
Mar?a Jes?s Garc?a Gal?n, M. Silvia D?az Cruz, and Dami? Barcel?
Drinking water disinfection by-products
Susan D. Richardson and Cristina Postigo
Micropollutants in hospital effluent: their fate, risk and treatment options
Paola Verlicchi, Alessio Galletti, Mira Petrovic, and Dami? Barcel?
Antibiotic resistance in waste- and surface waters and human health implications
C?lia M. Manaia, Ivone Vaz-Moreira, and Olga C. Nunes
L.J.G. Silva, C.M. Lino, L. Meisel, D. Barcel?, A. Pena
Human exposure and health risks to emerging organic contaminants
Adrian Covaci, Tinne Geens, Laurence Roosens, Nadeem Ali, Nele Van den Eede, Alin C. Ionas, Govindan Malarvannan, and Alin C. Dirtu
Occurrence of phthalates and their metabolites in the environment and human health implications
Mario Antonio Fern?ndez, Bel?n G?mara, and Mar?a Jos? Gonz?lez
Fate and risks of polar pesticides in groundwater samples of Catalonia
Marianne K?ck-Schulmeyer, Antoni Ginebreda, Miren L?pez de Alda, and Dami? Barcel?
Zebrafish as a vertebrate model to assess sublethal effects and health risks of emerging pollutants
Demetrio Rald?a, Carlos Barata, Marta Casado, Melissa Faria, Jos? Mar?a Navas, Alba Olivares, Eva Oliveira, Sergi Pelayo, Benedicte Thienpont, Benjamin Pi?a
Disrupting effects of single and combined emerging pollutants on thyroid gland function
Demetrio Rald?a, Patrick J. Babin, Carlos Barata, and Benedicte Thienpont
Psychoactive substances in airborne particles in the urban environment
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