This is a very good book specially for those that are interested in learning about design patterns and applying them in your own codes.
EMERGENT DESIGN: THE EVOLUTIONARY NATURE OF PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT is for college-level libraries strong in software engineering, and discusses the foundations of systems development, helping developers work with the flow of ideas inherent in emergent design principles. From tips on how to produce more professional software designs to testing designs throughout the process and learning when to stop, EMERGENT DESIGN...
As the cover implies, this book is the basis of a revolution. It is a tour of everything required to become a professional software developer. I believe this book to be distinguished from other technical books in the way that great works of fiction are different from genre books. It defines a category rather than just being a part of one. It is a call to arms for all of us who consider ourselves professionals to band...
This book is a gold mine of wisdom. This book contains a ton of wisdom that has come out of the software engineering field over the years. It brings together a lot of software development best practices that can be found in other resources and puts them together under the umbrella of Emergent Design. He covers patterns, principles, processes, and practices by presenting the best of each that has been proven to work again...
Bain's book is a graceful read. At least compared to some texts on "heavy" methodologies like CMMI. He addresses the professional programmer. At some level, there is an introspective feel to parts of it. Can the profession be more professional, in reducing bugs and bad coding practices? More pertinently, can you do this? In expanding on the possible answers, he takes us on a recap of decades of progress in programming. One...