Blitzed by the trappings of instant gratification culture, it's never been more important to slow down, relax, and remember something vital: your fingers are made for rather more than swiping Test them out today. Embark upon the path to stitching mastery. You'll be surprised how short-and fun-the expedition proves.
Author Freya Gates knows a thing or two about embroidery. In fact, you could say this amazing artform is the "fabric" of her existence . . . and now, she has fashioned the greatest gift: a guide that's both intuitive and all-inclusive-just for you. Appreciation's lovely, but creation's so much better
You soon will . . .
Tackle tackles: the terrific trade's eclectic tools . . . Learn to both embroider and produce your very own designs . . . Reconnoiter sundry projects, perfect for d cor (or presents) . . .And much, much moreSoon, you'll find that stitching comes as second nature
Get it now.