Known for its student-friendly approach, the revision of this best-selling book thoroughly covers the fundamentals of circuit theory from both a time domain and frequency domain point of view. The third edition of this comprehensive text has been fully updated and modernized...
This work shows the reader how to take circuit theory and apply it to the analysis of practical electric circuits. The material is reinforced with over 940 diagrams, charts and tables. Coverage includes Fourier series and Laplace transforms using SPICE to solve complicated networks...
* Introduces the operational amplifier early, and uses it as a basic element throughout the book. * Provides numerous exercises and examples throughout. * Written in a clear, precise style that has been highly praised throughout many editions.
* Introduces the operational amplifier early, and uses it as a basic element throughout the book. * Provides numerous exercises and examples throughout. * Written in a clear, precise style that has been highly praised throughout many editions.