La gu a definitiva para detectar y defenderse de los psic patas que nos rodean.
Le has entregado tu coraz n. Trabaja contigo. Le votas en las elecciones. Es un psic pata, pero t no lo sabes. Quieres aprender c mo identificarlo, manejarlo y defenderte?
Se estima que alrededor de un 1 por ciento de la poblaci n se encuentra en el espectro alto de la psicopat a. Toda persona est capacitada para detectar y neutralizar a un psic pata integrado, siempre y cuando disponga del conocimiento adecuado y haga un uso inteligente de las emociones (en especial del coraje) para hacerles frente. Con m s de veinte a os de investigaci n, Vicente Garrido desmonta mitos y brinda un an lisis claro y accesible sobre el perfil del psic pata infiltrado, aquel que no comete delitos graves de violencia, pero se camufla, manipula y causa un da o significativo en la vida personal y en las instituciones de la sociedad. El experto crimin logo te ofrece aqu las herramientas necesarias para reconocerlo y defenderte de l. Gracias a sus recomendaciones pr cticas y al relato de casos reales, aprender s a identificar sus actitudes y modos de actuar, mejorar tus relaciones y entornos laborales y reconocer a los pol ticos con rasgos importantes de psicopat a, contribuyendo as a una sociedad m s sana y segura.
The ultimate guide to detecting and defending yourself against the psychopaths around us.
You've given them your heart. They work with you. You vote for them in elections. They're a psychopath, but you don't know it. Do you want to learn how to identify, manage, and defend yourself against them?
It's estimated that around 1 percent of the population falls on the high spectrum of psychopathy. Anyone can detect and neutralize an integrated psychopath, as long as they have the right knowledge and use their emotions (especially courage) intelligently to confront them. With over twenty years of research, Vicente Garrido debunks myths and provides a clear and accessible analysis of the profile of the infiltrated psychopath, who doesn't commit serious violent crimes but camouflages, manipulates, and causes significant harm in personal lives and societal institutions. The expert criminologist offers you the necessary tools to recognize and defend yourself against them. Thanks to his practical recommendations and real case stories, you'll learn to identify their attitudes and behaviors, improve your relationships and work environments, and recognize politicians with significant psychopathic traits, contributing to a healthier and safer society.