"El Conde Lucanor" es un libro de exempla o cuentos moralizantes, escrito entre 1330 y 1335 por el Infante Don Juan Manuel. Obra cumbre de la narrativa en prosa del siglo XIV de la literatura espaola, su ttulo original en castellano medieval es Libro de los enxiemplos del Conde...
This illustrated collection features the 51 stories of Count Lucanor, tales of bravery, deceit, romance, and other themes featuring characters from all walks of medieval Spanish life, including courtiers, farmers, and beggars. At the outset of each story, the Count poses a situation...
Don Juan Manuel, nephew of King Alfonso X, The Wise, knew well the appeal of exempla (moralized tales), which he believed should entertain if they were to provide ways and means for solving life's problems. His fourteenth-century book, known as El Conde lucanor, is considered...
Edici n a cargo de Jos Manuel Fradejas Rueda, catedr tico de Filolog a Rom ntica en la Universidad de Valladolid Un joven conde plantea a su ayo diversas cuestiones morales y obtiene siempre la misma respuesta: un cuento. Sobre esta estructura -el di logo entre...
""Count Lucanor or The Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio"" is a book written by Manuel, Prince Don Juan in the 14th century. The book consists of fifty short stories, each with a moral lesson. The stories are narrated by Count Lucanor, who seeks advice from his wise counselor,...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Don Juan Manuel, noble directamente emparentado con las familias que durante varios siglos ocuparon el trono de Castilla, es un caso an malo en la literatura medieval espa ola en la que abundan las obras an nimas. Sin embargo, entre su vida p blica, de la...