I've studied, practiced, and taught wilderness survival on and off for around ten years, now. I've read an enormous amount of material on the subject of survival; some of it is quite good (Brown Jr., Wiseman, Davenport, among others), some of it is at best mediocre (e.g., FM 21-76). However, this work by the McPhersons is in a class all by itself; it's simply outstanding. Unlike the majority of other books on survival, this...
For primitive skill instruction, you would be hard pressed to find a better book. Everything they write about, they have done.In John McPherson's own words, "There may be other ways to do it, maybe even some better, but these work!" Yes, Mr. McPherson, indeed, they do. There can be no better praise.
This book is, in fact, ten booklets printed together making ten chapters. Each chapter deals in detail with a certain subject, for example the first is called 'Brain Tan Buckskin' while the second is 'Primitive Fire & Cordage' and so on. Each chapter shows skills and gives knowledge that will help with the next few. For example, knowing how to make cordage helps with making bows, setting traps and making baskets. This...
Hands down this is the best survival book anywhere. The difference between this book and the majority of survival skills books is that most books will talk about why you should make a waterproof shelter and discuss the building of a waterproof shelter, but they won't tell you EXACTLY HOW to build it. If you read this book, you will be able to tan buckskin, construct baskets, make primitive pots, make effective and simple...
If I could carry only one book with me, knowing that my plane was going to crash in the wilderness, this would be the book. Let me qualify this statement. I am a pilot and have been practicing primitive survival living skills for seventeen years. My library on survival contains at least thirty books. This book is easy to understand and has multiple, detailed photographs. It should be noted that the section which discusses...