Effective Discipline Policies
How to Create a System that Supports Young Children's Social-Emotional Competence
Sascha Longstreth, PhD, and Sarah Garrity, EdD
- Craft a developmentally appropriate, consistent, effective behavioral guidance policy - Create a system that supports young children's social-emotional competence
- Provide a healthy environment in which young children can learn and grow
- Improve the quality of teacher-child interactions
Pub Date: April 2018 ISBN: 978-0-87659-750-7, Item # 10543 US $19.95 PB, 8.5 x 11, 160 (est) pp. For early childhood administrators, elementary principals with pre-K classrooms, teachers, and policy makers RIGHTS SOLD: World Rights Available
Offers practical advice and an easy-to-use checklist for evaluating existing discipline policies and implementing more equitable and effective policies
Highlights tips for creating a responsive, developmentally appropriate, instructive approach to dealing with challenging behaviors in early childhood