The anthology Echoes of Wisdom is a collection of poems written for children and youth that will guide and counsel them, helping them confront life challenges and make informed decisions in real-life situations. The poems are grouped into five themes, including wisdom; school; guidance and counseling; life issues; and appreciation. The poems under wisdom are about helping youth to mind how they talk, respect parents, be considerate to others, being honest, and about vigilance and careful consideration when making decisions. The theme of school covers helping youth to be assertive in school issues like preparedness in learning, making maximum use of school time, personal talents, books, and appreciating themselves and others different from them. Guidance and counseling consider being diligent, hardworking, respectful, thankful, considerate, purposeful and directional, so young people can prepare themselves fully for independent living. The poems under life issues are about exercising kindness, sharing and taking responsibility of your own actions, making right choices, friends, and future lifestyles. Poems about appreciation guide youth in appreciating others, their country, and life issues in general.
Kundisai Mudita taught in various primary schools from 1991 until she joined Great Zimbabwe University as an assistant lecturer in 2009. Currently, she is a lecturer within the department of special needs education.