History doesn't repeat itself, but you can hear its echoes every day. The same wind that brings echoes of past foolishness also brings echoes of lost freedoms, echoes that are never quite stilled.
This is a little book about what used to be, what is, and what could be if we wish to reclaim it.
There is a section about freedom and the Bill of Rights. There is a section about what has been happening in the last several years, and how everything changed, almost in a blink. And there is a section of hope for the future, because most of us want to be free, want to be left alone to live our personal vision of our best life, and want to respect everyone's right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, as long as they don't infringe on other people's equal rights to those things.
From the author of Refuse to be Afraid and It's Going to Be All Right, the second edition of this collection of essays about freedom includes the poignant short story "Letters from Camp."