The year is 6752, after Terra. Earth is but a half-remembered story to its space-faring descendants. The enlightened beings of The System embark on a test-colonization mission to a far off star group Mira. The AST Aidennia-System Transport] flight is ended abruptly with the destruction of the supership. In a few fleeting moments, a century of peace and stability is fractured. Multiple attacks throughout the systems crush the once-thriving Aidennian civilization. Six survivors jettison in a terra-forming Pod. Now, a young male echelon couple and their fellow crewmembers must deal with a reality in which their peaceful society is no more. The only hope appears in the form of an unknown, arid planet in a trinary star system. Upon entering the atmosphere, a long-abandoned planetary defense shield is activated, crashing Pod 4 into an ancient, dried-up seabed. Setting the handful of Aidennians survivors on a jarring adventure. One in which existence hinges on a game of chance with the life forces of the Universe,