In this memoir of a World War II childhood, Paulsen paints a haunting self-portrait of a young boy drawn helplessly into the physical and emotional violence of the adult world. "An indelible account...hallmarked by Paulsen's sinewy writing" (Kirkus Reviews).
In this memoir of a World War II childhood, Paulsen paints a haunting self-portrait of a young boy drawn helplessly into the physical and emotional violence of the adult world. "An indelible account...hallmarked by Paulsen's sinewy writing" (Kirkus Reviews).
Like J.G. Ballard's Empire of the Sun and Jerry Kosinski's The Painted Bird, Paulsen's startling, candid tale of innocence under siege provides a powerful vision of the routine horror of war (as) seen through a child's eyes and memory (Denver Post)--in this case, the author himself...