Earth-Friendly collects the fruits of a lifetime of study and teaching in search of a holistic, organismic, living science, respectful of the sacredness of nature and the ubiquity of the spirit. As a biology philosopher, Sister Adrian's first teachers were Aquinas and Aristotle; later she came to know the work of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner.
Earth-Friendly traces the development of Sister Adrian's conviction that "the spiritual science flowing from the thought of St. Albert and St.Thomas, as developed seven hundred years later by Rudolf Steiner, could recapture the true greatness of the West as it reaches out to the East to create an 'earthfriendly re-visioning of science and spirituality.'"
Foreword by Christopher Bamford
1. Food: A Lost Mystery of Creation
2. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
3. Liberal Education: A Dominican Challenge
4. Science, Education, and the Christian Person
5. New or Traditional Earth Spirituality?
6. Thomas Aquinas and the New Cosmology
7. Viruses: Are They Alive?
8. Nature's Law: Competition or Cooperation?
9. The Cell and the Organism: A Reexamination
10. The New Biology: Barbara McClintock and an Emerging Holistic Science
11. Universe Coding, not Genetic Coding
12. A Rudolf Steiner Sustainable Community
13. Is This the Time?
14. Women Scientists, Ancient Wisdom, and Modern Science
15. A Call to Dominican Religious Women