This volume contains the full text for various public-domain Arthurian sources, from the 6th Century to the 11th. d104s in this volume include:
De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (or "Of the Ruin and Conquest of Britain") Y Gododdin Historia Brittonum (or "The History of the Britons") Annales Cambriae (or "The Annals of Wales") Preiddu Annwn (or "The Spoils of Annwn") Englynion y Beddau (or "Stanzas of the Graves") Pa gur yv y porthaur? (or "What man is the gatekeeper?") The Legend of St. Goeznovius Vita Sancti Cadoci (or "The Life of St. Cadog") The Welsh TriadsThese texts are taken from public domain sources. Their inclusion in this volume is for convenience, as a way of keeping all the shorter and fragmentary texts together in one place. A free copy of the ebook is available online.