In this satirical work, the author plays a misanthropic character by the name of Enrique; a writer hailing from East New York, Brooklyn who names you-the reader-Monty. He takes you into his free-floating, gonzo-style, curio collection of imaginative punk ethos laced with humor and hard-hitting truisms.
Visit a world where Crypto currencies are quickly becoming worldwide legal tender. A robot called Drakaris serves the three richest men in the world as they make their way to Mars. The Big Beautiful Wall has gone up, prompting the quick exit of those Americans who can afford to do so. The author gets invited to Hollywood by a famous movie star he's never met before. A Taliban warlord invites a popular TV program into his new home in Kabul. The Greatest Nation on Earth visits Saint Peter.
The author finds himself in the most unlikely situations, such as a bar conversation with a guy who may or may not be a deity. And a trip into the hinterlands of New Jersey has him landing on a neon-lit world, this and so much more! Dystopian Haircut is an absurdist time capsule that paints a vivid picture of a bizarre 2020 (if such a thing is possible). You'll never laugh so hard at humanity's impending doom.