I have been juggling books for the past year or two trying to find one that really captures my interest, and stimulates my imagination, only to read novels that come close, or fail completely. I picked up "Dust" on recommendation from a friend, that it had two qualities that I really valued in fiction. Innovative science fiction elements, and queer romance. I decided I was excited enough over the later that I could forgive...
This book was a great escape. I loved the world she created and can't wait for the next book. I read tons of sci-fi/fantasy and always love an idea that hasn't been done to death.
Elizabeth Bear has created a new spin on the multi-generational, planet-sized spaceship saga. Without spoiling the delicate suspense, the ship is crippled, in orbit around an unstable star system. The warring factions, who represent the officers vs engineering--must unite to save this world. The ship's Artificial Intelligences have splintered into competitive entities. The genetically altered inhabitants fight viciously over...
Elizabeth Bear, in "Dust," has taken the ubiquitous 'Disabled Generation Ship' in an entirely new direction. The first installment of the Jacob's Ladder sequence reads like a mixture of fantasy, religion, and classical science fiction. The Jacob's Ladder is a disabled generation ship parked in orbit around two unstable stars. However, Jacob's Ladder isn't just a ship, its a laboratory and the whole of the world to the...
The colony ship was traveling through space for hundreds of years when explosions almost destroyed it. They traveled to the nearest planet in hopes of making repairs, but too much damage was sustained to too many systems. To make the situation even direr, the sun they orbit is starting to go supernova. Five centuries later, the artificial intelligence that enabled the captain to guide the people into safety splinters into...