In the quirky town of Feltsburg, where thrift store chic and vintage unicycles are all the rage, lives a happy hipster named Pherris. His prized possession? A luxuriant, fluffy beard that rivals even the most impressive topiaries. But one fateful morning, Pherris wakes up to find his beloved beard is missing
Enter his trusty pals Phord and Phranklin, whose quest to help their friend leads to food, philosophy and fun, as Phord learns beards may come and go, but real connections last forever.
Dude Where's My Beard? is not your typical children's book. No perky puppies or talking bears here. Instead, the story unfolds using felted creations, meticulously crafted by real human hands. Each page bursts with texture, warmth, and whimsy, inviting young readers (and their exhausted parents) into a world where imagination knows no bounds.
So grab your vintage spectacles, dust off your retro typewriter, and join Pherris, Phord, and Phranklin on a delightful adventure that celebrates the odd twists, turns, and magic of true friendship.
Note: No hipsters were harmed in the making of this book.