Seriously, what bullshit are you saying to yourself?
Sorry to be blunt, but you are not where you want to be because of the story you are telling yourself, which is probably bullshit.
Look, we've all been there, we all have baggage, stories, issues - call it what you want. However, if you want to get shit done you have to drop the BS and do it.
This 90 day journal notebook starts out with you reflecting on why you are not where you want to be. Be honest with yourself and write it out, come on no one else will see it just you.
Then each day for the next 90 days you will plan out your day and make any notes about what you need to get done.
Listen, stick to the plan and take action and you will see massive change in your life.
So, are you ready to drop the bullshit and get it done?
This handy notebook is 6 by 9 and ready to be carried around in your bag or backpack.