A book of poetry by J.L. Cooper.
About the Author
J.L. Cooper was an author and psychologist in Sacramento, California. His writing highlights the lyricism in everyday life, relational mysteries, and the elevation of subjective experience. He has received five literary awards in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and essay, including the Tupelo Quarterly Prose Open Prize, TQ9, judged by Pulitzer winner Adam Johnson, and the Grand Prize in Poetry, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, 2018, judged by Pulitzer winner in criticism Lloyd Schwartz. His full-length book of poetry, An Ocean Large Enough (David Robert Books) is available on Amazon Books, as are his two books of short stories, The Sages of 47th Street and A Perfect Stillness, and a novella, Spell of the Pelicans. His short stories, poetry and a craft piece have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous journals including The Manhattan Review, The Comstock Review, New Millennium Writings, Oberon Poetry Magazine, StoryQuarterly, Cutthroat, Hippocampus, Leveler, The Tishman Review, 3Elements Review, Structo, and several other journals and anthologies. His website is: jlcooper.net.
James passed away at home with his family in October, 2018 after a 5-year battle with cancer. This is his final book.
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