This book is a wonderful piece of instruction and source of pattern! Lots of detailed how-to information and a wealth of stylish forms, with suggestions of how to combine them to create your own individual designs for large as well as small projects. A really excellent source.
As the information on the book flap says, this book was first published in 1910 for the professional decorator. "Today, Sutherland's time-proven methods give do-it-yourselfers a thorough education and an excellent background in the art of stencilling for ornamental detail." All that is accurate, I think. The book does a great job of explaining how to think about stencilling a room or window, and the author also has a good...
No matter how massive our TBR stacks get, we're always finding new books we want to stack on! Here are 25 exciting October releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.