"Dreamers United: A Magical Journey Through Black History, Vol.3" is a captivating and educational adventure designed for children aged 3-10. Join our magical dreamers on an extraordinary journey through captivating tales of remarkable Black heroes who have shaped the world.
Embark on Sojourner's Fearless Quest in Chapter 1, as little champions are encouraged to find courage, fight for rights, and let their voices bring about change. Each chapter introduces a new hero, including Frederick D. Patterson, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Benjamin Banneker, with unique stories inspiring dreams of education, poetic symphony, mathematical marvels, and more.
Transport young scholars into the Educational Legacy of Frederick D. Patterson, dive into Gwendolyn's Poetic Symphony, and explore Benjamin's Mathematical Marvels. Join Marian's Operatic Harmony, discover Charles's Lifesaving Inventions, and immerse in Zora's Literary Adventure, encouraging young storytellers to let their imagination soar.
Stand together for justice with Medgar's Fight for Justice and embark on Oprah's Media Magic to envision a future in storytelling. Journey into the realm of poetry with Claude's Renaissance of Words, where each chapter unfolds inspiring stories of united heroes, encouraging kids to dream big, be kind, and let their light shine. Get ready for a magical ride where dreams come alive, and history comes to life for our little dreamers. Dream big, and let the adventure begin