With the primary questions of engagement progressing through "what do you find?" to "what do you farm?" then "what do you do?" now landing at "what do you know?", we arrive at "who are you?".
The poems in this book, which all have titles of single words ending in "ing", are his own exploration into the relationship between what he does and how he does it - giving clues to who he is (his being).
This exploration gives a perspective to the clich?s "how I do anything is how I do everything" and "what's in the way, is the way". The poems are not intended to be profound philosophical revelations, simply conversational outpouring of consideration in the moment - certainly not to be confused with truth and containing nothing intended to invite argument. They are written without capitalisation or punctuation to engage the creative brain and invite the imagination - especially when read aloud.
As it is with poetry, the content of this collection is to provoke deeper thought and feeling in the possibilities of self-discovery and never-ending impeccability of affinity and entrainment - or at another level, to enjoy words like burning sips and pace of Cognac, bottled by crafters who have long-passed.
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