No stranger to the destructiveness of twisted minds, former FBI Special Agent Sloane Burbank never expected evil to invade the lives of her family . . . When her mother is viciously attacked in her posh Manhattan apartment, Sloane realizes this was no ordinary robbery. The thieves...
In Drawn in Blood, the eagerly-awaited sequel to her electrifying thriller Twisted, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane brings back the dynamic team of former federal agent Sloane Burbank and her lover, FBI Special Agent Derek Parker. A n unrelentingly gripping page-turner,...
In Drawn in Blood, the eagerly awaited sequel to her electrifying thriller Twisted, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane brings back the dynamic team of former federal agent Sloane Burbank and her lover, FBI Special Agent Derek Parker. A n unrelentingly gripping page-turner,...
In Drawn in Blood, the eagerly awaited sequel to her electrifying thriller Twisted, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane brings back the dynamic team of former federal agent Sloane Burbank and her lover, FBI Special Agent Derek Parker. An unrelentingly gripping page-turner,...
In Drawn in Blood, the eagerly awaited sequel to her electrifying thriller Twisted, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane brings back the dynamic team of former federal agent Sloane Burbank and her lover, FBI Special Agent Derek Parker. An unrelentingly gripping page-turner,...
In Drawn in Blood, the eagerly awaited sequel to her electrifying thriller Twisted, New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane brings back the dynamic team of former federal agent Sloane Burbank and her lover, FBI Special Agent Derek Parker. An unrelentingly gripping page-turner,...