When Tom, a young chimney sweep, falls into a river and drowns, he is transformed from a twelve-year-old boy who has known nothing but brutality and poverty into a 'water-baby'. In an underwater world surrounded by fairies, insects and water nymphs, he soon discovers a new life...
This book contains 250 of the most asked-for recipes at the Atkins Center, along with 7-day meal plans, nutrition goals, and traveling and restaurant tips.
This book contains more than 200 recipes developed specifically for Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution alongside meal plans and scientific data that demonstrates the health benefits of low-carbohydrate eating to control cholesterol, end fatigue, and reduce allergies ...
Usted puede tenerlo todo: Sabros simas recetas bajas en carbohidratos, r pidas y f ciles de hacer Baje de peso -- y no vuelva a aumentar -- mientras disfruta de deliciosas comidas bajas en carbohidratos que puede servir en su mesa en diez minutos. He aqu s lo...
With more than 180 low-carb recipes, beautiful photographs, meal plans and an explanation of the Atkins diet and how to follow it effectively, this is the must-have book for all the fans of one of the world's most effective diets. Full of delicious low-carb recipes made with...
With more than 200 recipes and a useful summary of Dr Atkins bestselling diet philosophy this is the ultimate cookbook for losing weight and staying slim. Full of delicious low-carbohydrate recipes made with fresh and tasty ingredients to keep dieters on track. Forget counting...