When I read this I was obsessed with Jean Rabe. Not as good as some authors but still amazing. Her writing style is a lot more catching than many books I've read. It's not for the people who have been reading Dragonlace for a long time, but it's stil very good. I recommend it for those who have never read Dragonlance books before. Nice one Rabe!!!
An open ended ending for sure...It seems as if poor Rabe was atad rushed with the space given to her by her editors. I have readall the reviews and the bashing is ... The woman wrote a darn good book under her editorial guidelines. Perosnally I wish certain aspects of the Fifth Age were given more detail. Rabe's writing made the characters come to life... I must say that I even like ... hugging Feril...The plot was fast paced,...
She's got a nifty writing style. One that makes me think I'm right there. And I like the dragons. They're immense! They've got goals, and they're not motivated like human characters are. They're like the way I pictured dragons to be. Much fun!
OH my gosh.........the trilogy started out being not-so-bad...but now! The ending of this book was worst I have seen in any book ever. All the ends are left untied. Who is Fury? What will happen to Malys? Will Dhamon & Feril end up together? Is Khellendros dead or stuck in the Gray? And when is Blister gonna stop using her stupid gloves?!? Utterly horrible!
In this the last book of the Dawning of A New Age trilogy, is a good ending to it. To make it simple, the heros Dhamon, Rig, Blister, Groller, Feril, Palin, Usha, Ulin, Gilanthas, Silvara, and Fury, continue the battle against the Dragon Overlords and the unfortunate loss of one of them,(not Dhamon) but the return of a important classic Character. For those of you who have read this trilogy know that Margret Weis and Tracy...