Even the strongest woman has her breaking point, and Keiko has reached hers.Sick at heart and wanting only to leave her past behind her, Keiko is drawn to the sea. Seeking refuge from the world that has nearly torn her spirit apart, she boards the first ship she finds...
Amidst Stormy Seas, Love and Honor Collide. In the wake of heartbreak, Keiko seeks solace where the sea meets the horizon, aching to leave her tumultuous past behind. Bound for a new beginning, Keiko's voyage takes an unexpected turn when she crosses...
Amidst Stormy Seas, Love and Honor Collide. In the wake of heartbreak, Keiko seeks solace where the sea meets the horizon, aching to leave her tumultuous past behind. Bound for a new beginning, Keiko's voyage takes an unexpected turn when she crosses...